GPA Calculator

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GPA Calculator Graduation Cap and Books

How to Calculate High School GPA

Every student goes off to school with helpful tools for success: pens, notebook, binders and books. But don't forget the GPA Calculator.

You can track all your hard work in school right from the very first semester of your freshman year to the final semester of your senior year. Calculate your GPA for your entire school career. Using the GPA Calculator is easy and efficient.

First you need to find out if your high school uses a weighted or unweighted system for calculating your GPA.

Unweighted systems award the same credit for regular, honors, and advanced placement (AP) classes.

Weighted systems give a bonus for honors and AP classes. A typical weighted system would award an additional 0.5 for honors classes and 1.0 for AP classes because they are considered more challenging than regular classes.

Refer to your high school transcript for your grades, the level of the classes, and the number of credits earned for each course. If your high school uses an unweighted system an A = 4 points, B = 3 points, C = 2 points, D = 1 point and F = 0 points.

Want To Figure Out Your High School GPA?

To begin, enter your course grades and the number of credits in the GPA Calculator at Once you have entered your results, press Enter and watch your GPA appear.

To keep track of your grade point average create a word document and save this information in your computer. Remember to date each entry and list the school year or semester the GPA score applies to. You can go back and use the calculator again and again to monitor your progress throughout the year. Fortunately, with the gpa calculator, you can see your gpa in moments. It is easy and convenient to use.

Don't worry about needing to do math, or keeping track of the previous semester's gpa to use the gpa calculator. The gpa calculator does all of the work for you.

Below is an example of how a student called Rachel used her recent report card to calculate her GPA using the gpa calculator.

  • English grade: B credits: 1.0
  • Calculus grade: A credits:1.0
  • Biology grade: B credits: 1.0
  • History grade: B credits: 1.0
  • Spanish grade: A credits: 1.0
  • Public Speaking grade: A credits: 1.0

We enter her grades and credits into the gpa calculator, choosing the number of courses she took (6). Then press 'Enter'. The gpa calculator then tells us that Rachel has a gpa that semester of 3.5.

Way to go Rachel!

Our Tips For Using High School GPA Calculator:

Double check your grades and credits as you enter them in the calculator. It's easy to get excited about finding out your GPA. Many students are very curious what the calculator will tell them. But double check both your grades and credits before you press 'Enter'. Save your report cards from previous semesters so you can find out your cumulative grade point average. You'll be glad you did.

One helpful way to use the calculator is to aniticipate what your GPA will be. This can be done once you are about mid-semester in your classes. By then you will have a good sense of how you are doing in school. Make an approximation of what your final grades would be if they were given now. Then use the GPA calculator to find out what your grade point average works out to be. This tool can be quite motivating. You may realize that you want your GPA to be even higher or that you are right on track with your goals.

Tell your friends and family about the gpa calculator. Once you've tried it, let others know about this great calculator so they can try it too! Challenge your friends to boost their grades and make the honor roll with you. Each of you can use the calculator and then share the results with each other. Use it to encourage each other to achieve even higher grades for the semester or the entire school year. The gpa calculator is a great tool for any student to use during their school years. Whether it is your first year of school or your last, knowing what your gpa is can help you plan the next step.