Students With High GPA Scores More Prone to Facebook Jealousy

New research suggests that students with high GPA scores may be more prone to feelings of romantic jealousy than those who are less studious.

Undergraduate students, who had a higher grade point average (GPA), were more likely to experience jealousy over misunderstandings on the social network among people in romantic relationships.

As one might expect, women had higher levels of Facebook jealousy than men. However men are more jealous of sexual infidelity and women more jealous of emotional infidelity.

The findings regarding GPA are preliminary, and the researchers still need to tease out the reason for the possible link, said study researcher Denise Friedman, an associate professor of psychology at Roanoke College in Salem, Va.

But it may be that people with high GPAs tend to have a personality type that makes them more prone to jealousy.

“Students with higher GPAs are often more conscientious, show greater self-control and tend to be more of a perfectionist,” Friedman said. “The perceived infidelity likely upsets their attempts at perfection across the board.”

The researchers plan to publish their findings in a peer-reviewed journal this summer. Some of the findings were presented at the Association for Psychology Science meeting in May.

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